Saturday, May 12, 2007

The stars from somewhere else

First full day in Tokyo.
6:30 a.m. I get up to get ready, I have to walk downstairs past the entrance of the dorms to get to the shower, but it's pretty cool because I got a new shower robe for this trip. It's fuzzy and comfy and long.
8:30 a.m. Our 'guides' are waiting for our group in the front of the dorms. I can't really recall their names exactly (I'm terrible at names, that transcends language unfortunately) but I think they're Yuka, Toko, and at the moment I can't remember the other girls name but it began with an H. I feel horrible that I can't remember their names because they're such sweet girls.

So we leave from the dorm to the train station which is really close, and we take that line to Gotanda and then transferred to the JR line and took that to Shibuya. There, we are shown two variety shops, one called Don Quihote (not that I know how to spell that) and the other called Tokyu Hands...where I bought a power adapter and this nifty watch. It's the coolest thing ever.
The robot actually comes off and I can wear it as a necklance. He's adorable!! His arms move up and down. Two other kids got watches similar, Helen got a smaller version that was the same price as mine but her robot doesn't come off the band and it's bright orange. Brian got a metal one (by which I mean the band is metal) and his robot is like mine.

Then we ate. The food was good and we had a good time sitting and eating and laughing together. I really like this group so far. After that we had some free time to kind of explore so we just wandered around and got pulled into a couple of shops...all hip hop attire...but it was pretty crazy all together. I wish that my camera battery wasn't so dead so that I could have taken more pictures. But I'm sure I'll be going back.

We then walked to Harajuku and to the Meiji Temple.

I have more pictures but I'm a little tired right now so I'll put them up perhaps at a later date. Or you can just see me when I get home and I can create a digital presentation of my journeys. There were three weddings going on within the temple, and they were really cool with the procession and the kimonos and everything. The whole thing was great. When we left the temple there was a line of kids handing out free hugs. Ben and I laughed and decided that we'd take he took a picture of me and I took a picture of him. We also saw one or two cute Gothic Lolita girls before we headed on to Yoyogi park.

We sat in the park for a while, played frisbee, then got up to travel to where Temple was buying us dinner. Free food is good food. So we ate up, decided that tomorrow we're going to the festival at Asakusa. Took the travels back to the dorm where we had a brief dorm meeting, Nicholas and I went to the grocery store to buy some water which was on sale (yay!) and skipped out on the bar for tonight and instead just chilled and had some hot green tea and chatted (which is fine with me because it's a little more personal).

That's the gist of it for today, my first full day in Tokyo. I'm terribly excited for what tomorrow holds and I have my camera ready with fresh batteries. Huzzah!

1 comment:

Amyous said...

Awwwww Lisa! It looks like you're having an awesome time!! Maybe someday when I'm rich, we can go to Japan together hahaha :) That watch is pretty goddamn cool, I'm jealous :) Be safe!