Saturday, May 19, 2007

Project Post One: Inspiration

I think I might settle my idea for my project off of some things I saw in Azabujuban. When we were walking through Ron briefly explained the history of the wrapping of items, the way they are presented and packaged. I wanted to pair this wrapping with the idea of the kimono and the wrapping of people for special events. I've done a little research online and was hoping to visit the library to possibly take out some books to further investigate this.

I would like to do a traditional Japanese style book that has a sound track. Noises and perhaps music that might invoke the idea of the area, the history, or the meaning behind this wrapping.

Tsutsumi is the wrapping of gifts in paper as a means of keeping any ill feelings or disharmonies from passing on to the recipient of the gift. They said that the only paper originally used was washi paper, though I haven't found a clear definition on that yet, but I also read that it was originally wrapped in white paper only, to show the purity.

Furoshiki is wrapping with cloth and originated as a way of wrapping your clothes while taking a public bath. This too has very specific ways of wrapping, but rather than paper uses large beautiful cloths.

And the Kimono, also, has a very specific way of being put on, or wrapped around the body.

I wanted to explore historically the importance of these three things and then how they've adapted to a more modern culture. I'm really very interested in this subject and the history and adaptability of it.


olarue said...

Dear LO ST

The Japanese concept of wrapping is so cool. I shivered as I read your well written passage. Keep posting.

I'm so very pleased that you are in Japan being exposed to the 2000 year old Japanese culture.

Keep expanding your horizons Lisa.

Send me a Tanka or a Haiku


harry stormes said...

HI this is harry i like your bento box. Its something so common here but in america were never exposed to it. I closer you can get to a traditional bento box the better, but with your artistic spin on it, the better. Good luck, see you in class.